Web Hosting and various types of Web Hosting?

Web Hosting and various types of Web Hosting?

Web Hosting and various types of Web Hosting?

As we all know, to manage a blog on WordPress you need to purchase hosting which will require spending some money, but do you understand what is web hosting?

Your blog will have multiple files, content, database, and many other technical data which you need to save somewhere on the internet, so everyone can reach your website post or pages.

This online storage of your website data is recognized as web hosting and because of web hosting WordPress sites are recognized as self-hosted blogs.

This means you are responsible for all the security and performance of your blog website by owning your hosting.

Google's current update of Jan 2020, publicly declared that website loading speed will be the main key standard in listing pages or websites.

If your website opening speed is delayed by even 1 second then you may lose 5-7% of likely traffic, yes it is true.

If you don't know the true value of hosting then don't worry I will provide you with all the details about web hosting which will meet Google's requirements and of course in your budget

But at this moment the only thing to remember is you must be extra focused on website loading speed that's it.

Different types of Web Hosting?

Web hosting has been divided into several types based on provided features and website traffic handling capability but we have listed below are the main types you will notice by every hosting provider company.

  • Shared Web Hosting

Shared hosting is one of the most favored hostings for all beginner websites, where multiple numbers of websites will be hosted on one common server and share common resources.

It is the most suitable fit if your website has close to 60K-90K visitors per month and we will explain more on the best-shared hosting plan at an affordable cost later.

  • VPS Web Hosting

VPS hosting offers a dedicated server and resources for your website, which will be attached to your website only and you can command that in the direction you want.

VPS stands for the virtual private server which will be the virtual copy of the server and will be managed with the same goals.

But VPS Web Hosting will be double the price of the shared hosting plan and only suggested for those who are already working on a blog that has more than 100k/month views.

  • WordPress Managed Web Hosting

WordPress managed hosting is offered by all the hosting providers to help WordPress bloggers optimize their site in a certain condition.

But the cost will be higher as compared to shared hosting and you can produce the same kind of performance by installing some free plugins and I will offer you some of the best plugins later.

  • Cloud  Web Hosting

Everyone is informed about cloud hosting where you can borrow the resources as per your website traffic require and you will be charged respectively with the use of resources.

You may now think that this could be more reliable than a shared plan but the reality is its primary plan itself costs much more than shared hosting.


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