Nov 11, 2019 Total Views: 727
CITC IELTS Coaching Kharar
The International English Language Testing System, or IELTS, as it is
popularly called, is an English Language proficiency test that is required to
be taken by non-native students so as to study in countries where the medium of
instruction is English. IELTS is accepted by Universities in UK, Australia, New
Zealand and Canada. It has become a mandatory test for study in Australia. One
cannot be granted an Australian Student Visa without an IELTS Score. All other
study destinations require one to appear for either the TOEFL or the IELTS. The
IELTS tests all four language skills that are important for effective
communication: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing.
IELTS Test is available in two test
Academic - Academic is for the persons applying for
higher education or professional registration in abroad
General Training - General Training is for the persons who
wish to migrate or apply for secondary education, training
programs and work experience in an English-speaking environment abroad.
Modules Overview: This test
checks 4 skills which include:
Small Batch size
Multiple cabin Speaking
Smart Class Rooms
Level based learning
Frequent doubt sessions
Scheduled Course material
Personal attention
Certified & experienced faculty
Approximately 30 minutes + 10 minutes transfer time.
The test is divided into four sections. It has 40 questions in total.
Students get a question booklet on which the questions are printed. The tape is then played and students write answers simultaneously while the tape is
going on.
Students get time to look at the questions before the listening starts
and check their work at the end of each section.
Discourse Types
Section 1: Usually a conversation between two people in general,
everyday topic. First, you are given some time to look at the questions for
section 1. Then you will hear an example where you will listen to the correct
answer. Then the listening is played (including the example). You will get
around 30 seconds to look at the questions for every sub-section.
Section 2: Usually a monologue (only one speaker) of a social functional
nature, informational talk. It can be a social or academic setting. you get a few
seconds to look at the questions. There will be no example in this section.
Section 3: Usually a conversation between two to four people like Academic
setting, Education/training based context. There is no example on the tape in
this section as well.
Section 4: Usually a lecture or speech given as a monologue like Academic
setting, Education / Training based context. No breaks in between. There might
be a written example. You may get note or summary completion or multiple choice
or a variety of questions. Here, the question types are divided into two parts.
For example, question no 31 to 35 are multiple-choice and question no 36 to 40
are summary or table completion. Now, when the speaker moves from question 35
to 36 i.e. when the question type changes, there will be a pause of 2-3
seconds. This pause is a hint for you that now the question type is changed.
NOTE: As the Listening test progresses, the recording becomes more difficult.
It does not mean that it becomes faster as it progresses; it becomes complex
progressively and tests all the Listening skills of the candidate.
Vocabulary Building
Hesitation Removal
Fluent Conversation
Pronunciation Improvement
Group Discussions
Newspaper Reading
Motivational video lectures
Audio/video clips with Tapescripts
60 minutes and no extra time 40 questions.
No. of questions
Reading Passage 1
13 – 14
Reading Passage 2
13 – 14
Reading Passage 3
12 – 13
40 |
Reading passages are based on research, case studies, and biography, and
they are argumentative. They are taken from journals, textbooks or web sites.
It becomes progressively difficult.
No. of items
Section 1
13 – 14
Section 2
13 – 14
Section 3
13 – 14
are taken from newspapers, magazines, and catalogs and from web sites. At least
one section contains detailed argumentative text.
60 minutes and no extra time.
Two tasks in writing
Minimum 150 words are required for Task 1 and 250 words are required for
Task 2.
Task 1 - A Bar chart, Pie chart, line graph, table, flow chart or a
process or a combination of more than one charts containing figures and
Task 2 - An essay topic is a specific topic about specific research areas
i.e. environment, pollution, education, science and research, technology, etc.
Task 1 - a short letter – formal, informal or semiformal style
Task 2 - an essay topic about day to day life i.e. society, children, family,
education, lifestyle etc.
Organized on a day other than the day of the main exam (i.e. Listening,
Reading and Writing are arranged on one day).
11-14 minutes time
Three parts.
Part 1
4-5 minutes
Introduction and interview
Examiner first introduces himself/herself and asks questions about
familiar topics to the candidate.
Part 2
3-4 minutes
Individual long turn
The candidate gets a Cue card with a topic on which he/she has to speak
for 1-2 minutes and he /she gets one-minute time to prepare for the topic
before he/she starts to speak. Examiner also asks one or two follow-up
questions when the candidate stops speaking.
Part 3
4-5 minutes Extended discourse
Examiner asks questions that are thematically linked to the topic in
part 2 and the questions are more of abstract nature.
How is IELTS scored?
IELTS results are reported on a nine-band scale. In addition to the score for overall language ability, IELTS provides a score, in the form of a
profile, for each of the four skills (Listening, Reading, Writing and
Speaking). These scores are also reported on a nine-band scale. All scores are
recorded on the Test Report Form along with details of the candidate's
nationality, first language, and date of birth. Each Overall Band Score
corresponds to a descriptive statement which gives a summary of the English
language ability of a candidate classified at that level. The nine bands and
their descriptive statements are as follows:
9 Bands
Expert User — Has
frilly operational command of the language: appropriate, accurate and fluent
with complete understanding
8 Bands
Very Good User — Has
fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and in appropriacies. Misunderstandings may occur in unfamiliar situations. Handles complex detailed argumentation well.
7 Bands
Good User — Has
operational command of the language, though occasional inaccuracies, in appropriacies and misunderstandings in some situations. It generally handles complex language well and understands detailed reasoning.
6 Bands
Competent User — Has
generally effective command of the language despite some inaccuracies,
in appropriacies and misunderstandings. I can use and understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations.
5 Bands
Modest User — Has
partial command of the language, coping with overall meaning in most
situations, though is likely to make many mistakes. Should he able to handle
basic communication in oirn
4 Bands
Limited User --
Basic competence is limited to familiar situations. Has frequent problems in understanding and expression. is not able to use complex language.
3 Bands
Extremely Limited User —
Conveys and understands the only general meaning in very familiar situations.
Frequent break downs in communication occur
2 Bands
Intermittent User — No
real communication is possible except for the most basic information using isolated words or short formulae in familiar situations and to meet immediate needs. Has great difficulty understanding spoken and written
1 Band
Non User —
essentially has no ability to use the language beyond possible ale. w
isolated cords.
0 Bands
Did not attempt the
test — No assessable information.
universities and colleges in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and
Canada accept an IELTS Overall Band Score of 6.0 or 6.5 for entry to academic
programs. IELTS scores are increasingly being recognized by universities in
the USA.
IELTS Reading/Listening Bands Table
Reading Bands Table
Listening Bands Table
General Training
Band Scores
Band Scores
13 - 14
19 - 22
13 - 15
15 - 18
23 - 26
16 - 17
19 - 22
27 - 29
18 - 22
23 - 26
30 - 31
23 - 25
27 - 29
32 - 33
26 - 29
30 - 32
34 - 35
30 - 31
33 - 34
32 - 34
35 - 36
35 - 36
37 - 38
37 - 38
39 - 40
39 - 40
Best IELTS Institute
If you are planning to appear for the IELTS exam then its very important to
find the institute which can provide best practice material and experienced
teachers. CITC has given outstanding results in the past several years. A great number of students have obtained more than 7 bands after taking classes from CITC.
IELTS is designed and developed by the experts after making extensive
research before validating it. It is one of the most trusted tests of
English Language. It is held four times a month at different test
locations and dates. One can opt according to one’s convenience and
availability. The examiners for IELTS are trained and monitored by IELTS
makers regularly to maintain the standard of testing to match the world
standards. IELTS offers a choice according to the purpose of your application
i.e for study or work or permanent migration. One never fails in IELTS as
the results are on the basis of bands from 0 – 9, which are allotted to measure
all levels of communication skills of the English language.
Why Choose CITC for IELTS Exam Preparation?
CITC is known for providing the best results in the IELTS exam since 2009. We
have a team of experienced trainers working continuously to enhance the
student's capabilities for achieving higher bands. We have a record of producing
7+ Band in all four modules.
What is the Registration Fee?
In India, the registration fee for IELTS exam was INR
12,650 till March 31, 2019. For all tests administered up to
April 30, 2019, the fee is INR 13,250.